Oranges Are Sweet
Mysterious Dead People (It's not possible)
This is a duet with the ex-president regarding "mysterious...dead people" and a "box" that seems to be full of love letters.
Her Name is Ellen
Stealing the Sun
A Name for This
I'm Going Back [to Cali]
Homage to LL Cool J
Just One More Gear
Bright Boy
Inspired by reading E.L. Doctorow's Billy Bathgate. A book you should go out immediately and read. Right now. Put down the device. Get thee to a brick-and-mortar bookstore. That is, after you've listened to this fabulous cut.
Have You Heard
I found this ancient Viking tale carved into a rock in a language I don't understand.
Dis is the Dis Track
The Island, Songs for Sixpence
The final version of this poem was publised by Korea Lit
Make it Slow, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
Blue is the Color, Pre-recording, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
I have a way better version of this somewhere. I just don't know where. If I ever get a real guitar here in the Arctic north, I will play it again.
Las Palomas, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
The Ocean is Most Ocean, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
Poem by Alejandro Escude
Al Pasar, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
Neruda's Blues, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
These questions come from Neruda's Book of Questions. I think they provide the answer-book in the after-life. He hasn't gotten back to me on that yet.
Midnight in Black Warrior, Songs for Sixpence, 2004
Inside Time
Inside Time: Lyrics forthcoming. Update: no lyrics seem to be forthcoming. Update: no changes pending. Update: no lyrics. Update: This beat will self destruct in ten seconds, nine, eight...
Train to Lafayette
This is a sample of one verse. The other verses were phenomenal, but I lost them. And I mean phenomenal.